15 October 2006

Week 2 (written 7/10/06)

Cheers again. I’m currently sitting in a lounge halfway through an experiment to make some pounds. Horray, pounds! Being a labrat isn’t much fun though. I’d much rather work in a coffee shop, but since that’s looking unlikelier by the day, ‘tis labratting for me. In this one, I had to give up some blood (just a little though), take 78 amino acid pills (a la astronaut style, and they were horse pills too, I should mention), and submit to a pain threshold test (aka, they shock me and wait for me to say ow. I played it up as quite the wuss when it comes to pain, but hey. I’m all for advancing science, but I’m not going to play into these people’s sadomasochism.) Later on, they will give me food (yay!) and I’ll get an MRI scan. Later, I’ll get pictures of my brain! How cool is that.

This weekend was quite exciting. On Friday, I had my first lecture for “Modern Trends in Islam”, which was a really great class, and it’s master’s level, so I felt a lot more comfortable there than I have in my classes with first years. The professor is a really gifted lecturer, and her discussion of the qualities of the Qu’ran was fabulous. I’m so glad I campaigned to get into the class and I didn’t give up on it.

Then, Friday night I went to see Spam-a-lot with Leah. It was interesting seeing some of the parts of Spam-a-lot interpreted into musical theater. I was disappointed that they didn’t do the witch scene though, and they didn’t do the thing with the questions that’s at the end of “Holy Grail.” However, it was good, and we only paid 17.50 pounds, that is for the tickets. The funniest moment might have been when we were going to find our seats. After being offered some “Spaaaahm sandwiches”, we walked up a flight of stairs, where the usher sent us on the next flight of stairs. Then the next. Then the next. Once we made it to the balcony, we found our row. Which was literally the backmost row in the theater. It was hilarious. We couldn’t see the front of the stage. By the time the show started though, we realized the advantage to being in the back row – we could sit up on the top of our seats without pissing off people behind us, and therefore we didn’t miss a moment of the show. The nosebleed seats triumph!

After that, Leah and I went to a cool open air bar in Covent Garden, and then out to a very sketchy club. I got home quite late. Saturday, Vicky, Clare, Nathan and I went to see “In Extremis” at the Globe Theater. It was a rare and beautiful London day – sunny, blue skies overhead and a perfect day to stand and watch a play in the replica of Shakespeare’s theater. The actors were incredible and the story was also captivating. It was a love story that combined a lot of philosophical ideas and religion, specifically the debate over applying dialectics to religion. Very interesting stuff.

Then, I met up with Leah for dinner, and spent the night reading, relaxing, and looking for black boots online. I really need boots to keep my feet dry, but the average price of boots here seems to be 200 pounds, and I’m really looking to spend under 50. I could find beautiful boots in the US for 80 dollars, but apparently the UK doesn’t roll with reasonably priced footwear. I’m going to look in Camden Market this week and see what I can find.

I have more pictures to post, and I’ll do so later. In the meantime, cheers & mushy peas, til next time.


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